Being an independent Disability Support Worker means you have the freedom and flexibility to craft your own hours and make your income on your own terms.
However, whether you're providing Standard or High-Intensity support, being a Sole Trader doesn't exempt you from undertaking necessary training.
That's why we've drawn up a list of useful Disability Support Worker training resources we strongly recommend you undertake!
Note: These lists are for information only. Kynd does not endorse any training provider.
Support Worker Introduction
- If you're new to support work (or are considering it!), the NDIS provides a self-assessment tool that helps you understand what a Support Worker role might look like:
Standard Support
- If you’re new to the NDIS industry:
- New Worker NDIS Induction Module - training in understanding the NDIS Code of Conduct
- New Worker NDIS Induction Module - training in understanding the NDIS Code of Conduct
- If you’re working with people under 18 years:
- Child Safe Principles Training - training in understanding the National Principles of Child Safe Organisations
- Child Safe Principles Training - training in understanding the National Principles of Child Safe Organisations
- COVID-19 Infection Control Training
High-Intensity Support
Support Workers and Participants can choose the most appropriate training options for them, so long as they align with the below conditions for High-Intensity Support.
What Is High-Intensity Support?
High-Intensity support services that fall under the above conditions include:
- Complex Bowel Care
- Enteral Feeding and Management
- Severe Dysphagia Management
- Tracheostomy and Ileostomy Care (including Stoma Care)
- Urinary Catheter Care (This service type cannot be provided on Kynd)
- Ventilation
- Subcutaneous Injection Diabetes Management
- Epilepsy Management
- High-Risk Seizures
- Pressure Care and Wound Care (under direct or indirect supervision of a Registered Nurse)
- Mealtime Preparation and Delivery
- Implementing a Positive Behaviour Support Plan (excludes plans with the authorised use of a restrictive practice)
Detailed information about each of these High-Intensity support services are found in the NDIS Practice Standards: Skill Descriptors and the NDIS Pricing Arrangements.
High-Intensity Support Training
If you are not sure where to start looking, here are some options that may help:
- DP Training provide training in:
- Queensland Health Academy provide training in:
- EdHealth provide face-to-face training (delivered online) in:
- Austcare provides support workers on Kynd with a $50 discount on HLTHPS006 Assist Clients with Medication Training
- MAYBO provide training in Positive Behaviour Support