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Meet and Greets - How to Nail Your Support Worker Meet and Greet

Meet and Greets - How to Nail Your Support Worker Meet and Greet

Kynd Team
14 Jul 2023 •
5 min read
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For independent Support Workers, 'Meet and Greets' are a chance to get to know who you will be working with, sort of like an interview. It's the opportunity for both the Participants and Support Workers to get a feel for each other and see if a good fit might exist.

Tip: We recommend always having a Meet and Greet. Otherwise, you're flying blind, meaning a Participant's needs won't (or can't) be met or you're not suited to them. This can lead to wasted time, risks and complaints.

Here’s the stuff you need to think about, questions you can ask, and other useful tips to nail your meetings and 'support worker meet and greet' with NDIS Participants.

Support Worker Meet and Greet Prerequisites

Before you schedule a Meet and Greet, it’s important to be prepared.

You'll need to figure out a safe meeting place, and come up with your own pre-qualifying questions you might want to ask the Participant (or their parent, Support Coordinator or whoever their support organiser is) in order to save time.

If you're a Support Worker on Kynd, you have access to our secure chat feature where you can safely communicate with Participants and keep a chat record.

support worker interview

Spotting any deal breakers ahead of time will save you a lot of headaches!

Before you meet up in person, it's worth chatting to ask a few critical questions.

You want to get to know each other a bit and learn more about the Participant as a person, along with their requested support services and ideal schedules.

You really want to reach the point of genuinely wanting to offer your services to this individual (and the point of the Participant wanting to book your support) only subject to the Meet and Greet in person to double-check your suited.

Here are a few preliminary steps we recommend before meeting up in person.

Ask NDIS Participants Your Preliminary Questions

Asking detailed questions on Kynd's chat feature (or a video call) is a great way to ensure you’re on the same page with your potential client before you meet up! 

Tip: If you don't ask qualifying questions, you're burning fuel and time.

As an independent Support Worker running your own micro-business, you will likely have things that are 'non-negotiable' and other things that you're flexible with. For example; are you willing to flex on your service rates? Are you willing to offer personal care services? How far are you willing to travel to a Participant?

Chatting with new potential clients will give you both the opportunity to ask any pre-qualifying questions or address any known or potential deal breakers upfront.

Opening the conversation

Your conversation might sound something like this. Feel free to copy/paste!


Thanks for your interest in my services. I'm eager to learn more about you and what you're looking for. Equally, you likely want to to know more about me, so I'm happy to answer any questions. To help you save time and see if I'm the right fit for you before any Meet and Greet, would it be okay if I ask some initial questions?


Some good questions to ask before Support Worker Meet and Greets include:

  • What specific support and services are you seeking?
  • For your schedule, do you have fixed or flexible timing needs?
    (If fixed, confirm that you're available to ensure your schedules align!)
  • What goals are you working towards in your NDIS plan?
  • As a Support Worker, how can I best meet your needs?
  • What would a typical day or support booking look like? 

Asking about your rates for Support Workers is always tricky as well. It's best to gain an understanding of the needed services and the potential schedule before finalising what you'll offer. If doing more hours, you might flex your rates!

Here's an example of a professional and polite way to ask about your rates:


Thanks for all your insights. Based on what you've mentioned and considering my normal support work rates, I'd be comfortable offering rates of $___ on weekdays, $ ___ for nights, $___ for weekends and $____ for public holidays. If after the Meet and Greet, you think we're a good fit, would you be comfortable with my offered rates?


support worker interview preparation

Consider If You're Likely To Be Suited

Before just agreeing to attend every Meet and Greet request ' willy nilly', think about whether you're a suitable fit for a Participant (and whether they're a suitable fit for your needs). If you think you'll match well, well set up that Meet and Greet!

Safe Locations For Support Worker Meet and Greets

If you’re meeting in person for the first time, we recommend a public space.

A coffee shop or a public area like a park is a good place to start.

Some Participants will naturally need to or prefer to do a Meet and Greet in their home - however, if you don’t feel comfortable with this, see if you can offer and settle on a spot that is nearby and workable for all parties involved.

Tip - When you're setting up a Meet and Greet via the Kynd app, make sure to keep all conversations in the chat, so you have client records.

Bring All The Necessary Documents And Qualifications

When meeting Support Workers for the first time, it’s common for Participants to ask to see your any documents that will confirm your identity, relevant checks and qualifications!

When you sign up as a Support Worker on Kynd, you already go through a screening process where you provide all the necessary documentation online.

However, make sure to have any relevant documentation ready and with you before your Meet and Greet. This includes things like your National Police Check Certificate, Working With Children Check (if applicable), NDIS Worker Screening Check, and your Government ID documentation (e.g. driver’s license).

Many Support Workers keep a folder with these on their iOS or Android phone!

Make A Good First Impression

Making a good first impression is essential for any Meet and Greet. 

When a Participant (or anyone else for that matter!) meets you for the first time, it helps to start things off on the right foot. Always be professional and prepared!

Even though you're an independent Support Worker providing services directly (or with Kynd), treat your Meet and Greet like any normal support worker interview.

These are pretty basic tips, but you should always make sure that you:

  • Arrive on time—make sure to leave plenty of time for you to get to your destination.
  • Dress appropriately—wear clean clothing you’re comfortable in but that is  also appropriate for the location you’ll be meeting in, e.g. grabbing a coffee at a nearby cafe. No need to be overly formal, but plan your outfit accordingly!
  • Act professionally—it’s important to get a feel for the atmosphere of the Meet and Greet as you go but keep things professional. All Participants are different, so make sure you get a good feel for what your Participant is looking for.
  • Come prepared—you’ll be asked questions during your Meet and Greet. Make an effort to get to know your potential Participant as well! Some people will even show you parts of the job during the Meet and Greet, so make sure you chat about expectations with your Participant beforehand.

Meet & Greet Question Examples

There is no standard set of questions for Meet and Greet, as every Participant is different and everyone is looking for something different from Support Worker. 

However, some common questions usually come up. Below are some examples!

Tip - If you want a more extensive example of potential Meet and Greet questions, check out our Support Worker Meet and Greet Questions article.

Tell Me About Yourself

This question is to get a feel for who you are and what qualities you have which will make you the right person to support them. This is your opportunity to bring up any interests you have or anything you think would make you a great match.

What Are Your Interests And Hobbies?

Asking about your hobbies helps your Participant determine whether you have anything in common! Whether you’re into anything they are interested in learning more about, and whether you will bring anything unique to the job.

Some Participants will also ask you if you like specific things that they like, e.g. Do you like XYZ…? Again, it’s to determine whether your interests align.

How Did You Get Into Support Work?

If you’re a Support Worker, there’s a very high chance you like to help people—that goes without saying. However, that is not the answer most Participants are looking for. Make sure to tell your Participant how you got into the industry. What propelled you to take up support work? The more specific you get, the more your Participant can relate to you on the various aspects of support work, beyond just the “helping people” bit.

Why Do You Think You’re The Right Person For Me?

Why should the Participant choose you out of all other people offering services to them? This is a question where you can really match your personal qualities to your Participants’ needs and personality, while reassuring them of your interest.

Check out additional Support Worker Interview Questions here.


Whether they’re about individual support needs, hobbies or interests, Meet and Greets (and support worker interview questions) will be personal to each NDIS Participant.

Remember that you’re likely going to be spending a lot of time together during some potentially vulnerable periods, so in support worker Meet and Greets, the Participant will want to know what sort of person and personality you are.

It's your chance to build trust and show that you're a true professional.

Having an open and honest conversation will set you both up for success!

How can we help?

Kynd is an NDIS platform to help people find the right support and work, all with smart safeguards. Learn about Kynd for NDIS Participants and Support Workers >

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