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How To Write Job Posts To Attract The Right Support Workers

How To Write Job Posts To Attract The Right Support Workers

Kynd Team
14 Jul 2023 •
5 min read
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Everybody has unique needs and goals—that’s why writing a great Support Worker job post helps independent Support Workers understand exactly what you're looking for and if they might be suitable for your needs and goals.

If you’re using an NDIS support platform like Kynd, it helps to be as specific as possible about what you’re looking for. Do you need help with personal care or going out and about? Does the person you want to book need a vehicle?

Here's a few tips to ensure you're writing a great Support Worker job post.

Be Prepared!

Before you launch into the task of finding Disability Support Workers or NDIS Providers, it’s important to be prepared! Here are a few preliminary steps we recommend you take.

Review Your NDIS Plan & Budget

Before writing up job posts for Disability Support Workers, it’s important to consider how your NDIS funding is managed (or, how you would like it to be managed in the future if you don’t yet have your NDIS Plan!).

Before reaching out to people, it’s important to double-check your NDIS Plan.

Be sure you have a clear understanding of the services your funding covers.

This is because not all NDIS funding management types offer the same amount of flexibility when it comes to the type of support you'll receive and who provides it.

What Support Do You Need?

Everyone is unique, so create your Support Worker job description for you!

You also need to think about your key questions.

  • Do they need to have a driver’s licence?
  • Is it important they have specialised qualifications?
  • Would you prefer experience with autism?
  • Have they supported someone with a physical disability?
  • Any preferred genders or cultural backgrounds?
  • Do they need to speak French or sign ASL?

Once you know what you want, you can:

  • Write a clear and detailed job post to attract the right people
  • Easily narrow down your shortlist when Support Workers apply

That's where Kynd's website or app can help, with filters and search keywords.

Search for the right Support Workers and read more with their online profiles.

Tip - Write a list of your needs and preferences for your Support Workers. Think about what a 5-star (excellent!) Support Worker might offer you.

Write A Great Support Worker Job Post

Introduce Yourself!

Wherever you are creating a job post, it's always good to share some info.

If you're using Kynd, you can add some of this within our simple Job Post steps. List things like your interests, personality, or type of disability, if you feel that's important to share.

Writing a bit about yourself is a great way to let a Support Worker know a bit more about who they might be supporting before meeting each other.

Plus, finding a Support Worker with shared interests or experience working with similar personalities can make a huge difference!

Specify Your Ideal Times - When & Where?

Next, it’s important to plan your schedule. Your schedule should be your choice!

If you find the right Support Workers, it's great to mutually agree on schedules.

  • How many hours per week?
  • What days and times do you need help?
  • Do you want to set up ongoing bookings?
  • Are you flexible with days and times?

Think about what's right for you (and others).

Knowing this will help to tailor your Support Worker job post.

Naturally, some NDIS Participants need daily support, and that's critical. Other Participants might want ad-hoc help and have extra flexibility with their plans.

Tip - Give Support Workers a clear idea of your ideal schedule.

Choose Your Type Of Support

Choose the types of support your job is likely to involve. This can include personal care, help in the home, social assistance, meal preparation, local transport etc. 

You can get an idea of what fits into each of these categories here.

If it involves something else that is outside of these categories, you will be able to include this in the More Specifics? section of your job post on Kynd.

Whether you're using Kynd or writing a job post elsewhere, it helps to be as specific as possible, to ensure the right people are interested.

Be Specific!

If you’re using Kynd, you can provide additional details about what’s involved.

It helps to ask yourself who would be ideal for your job: do you need someone who likes sewing? Are you more comfortable with someone who has experience in a specific domain? 

Give a bit more detail if a Support Worker requires experience or specialist skills e.g. needs toileting experience, hoisting and lifting experience.

Make sure to mention the things that would make the biggest difference for you.

Shortlisting & Assessing Candidates

Once a few Support Workers have applied to your job posts, we recommend you make a shortlist of your preferred candidates.

Spend a little time chatting with any potential Support Workers to determine whether they’re a good fit! Ask more questions before you meet. Do they offer the type of support you’re looking for? Are they available on the days and at the times you require?

Once you’ve created ashortlist, you can set up Support Worker Interviews .


  • Review your NDIS plan and budget -
    What is your NDIS plan? How much budget do you have to spend?
  • What type of support do you need? -
    What qualifications does your Support Worker need to have?
  • Plan out your schedule -
    Which days and times will you need support?
  • Introduce yourself in your job post -
    List your hobbies, your interest, as well as the support you need.
  • Be as specific as possible -
    List all your types of support, as well as when and where you need it!

How can we help?

Kynd is an NDIS platform to help people find the right support and work, all with smart safeguards. Learn about Kynd for NDIS Participants and Support Workers >

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