Support Worker interview questions can help you find the right people.
Getting the right NDIS Support Workers or team of Support Workers can have a big impact on your quality of life. It’s important to take the time to carefully interview Support Workers. You want to ask questions and get to know people.
It's about the right fit for you or your family and those NDIS goals!
Support Worker Interview Questions
The more you plan your support, the simpler things become!
It's likely you'll need to interview Support Workers from time to time. You might need a mix of great questions - focused on personality, behavioural styles, experience, and even hypotheticals. Start creating your toolkit!
By learning about common interview questions for Support Workers, you can refine your approach over time. Learn what works best and what doesn't.
You want to ensure interviewing Disability Support Workers is time well spent!
Sure, you pay them to help with your needs, but you’re likely going to be spending a lot of time together. It's essential you choose Support Workers you get along with and trust. Yep, Support Worker interview questions matter.
Tip - before inviting and scheduling Meet & Greets, plan the right Support Worker interview questions. It kinda helps keep the 'horse before the cart'.
Here are a few things you'll likely need to consider.
What NDIS Support Do I Need?
The more you plan your support, the simpler things become.
By working out the list of NDIS support services you need, you'll be able to decide which Support Worker interview questions are the most relevant.
You can interview Support Workers for all types of services.
These include things like:
- Assistance with personal care such as showering and dressing
- Help with cleaning your home, gardening, cooking and doing life admin
- Guidance with your health and wellness goals
- Social support attending personal, work or community events
- Help for speech, occupational, physiotherapy or other programs.
- Mentoring and help to learn new skills.
- Help to get to and from work or appointments, and taking public transport.
Tip - Write a simple list of the NDIS support services you need.
What NDIS Funding Do I Have?
If your NDIS plan doesn't include funding for Item X,Y,Z…
… there's no point in interviewing Support Workers for services X,Y,Z.
Before planning your Support Worker interview questions and reaching out to people, it’s important to double-check your NDIS plan - all the ins and outs!
Be sure you have a clear understanding of the services your funding covers.
The NDIS website has lots of info about supports funded by the NDIS.
Remember, the NDIS likely won't fund support if it's:
- Not related to a Participant’s disability
- Relates to normal day-to-day living costs (that are not related to a Participant's disability support needs)
- Likely to be a safety risk to the Participant or others
- A service delivered by another system such as Medicare.
Tip - Check your list to ensure your NDIS funds cover them.
You can also learn options and ideas about how to spend your NDIS funding and for ideas about services, check out this page for NDIS Participants info.
Which Support Workers Do I Need?
Why plan a job interview for an Astronaut if you need or Dolphin Trainer?
It's the same for interviewing Support Workers. Everyone's needs are unique, so create your own Support Worker interview questions, based on your needs.
You also need to think about your deal-breakers!
Do they need to have a driver’s licence?
Is it important they have specialised qualifications?
Would you prefer experience with autism?
Have they supported someone with a physical disability?
Any preferred genders or cultural backgrounds?
Do they need to speak French or ASL?
Once you know what you want, you can narrow down your shortlist.
That's where Kynd's website or app can help, with filters and search keywords.
Search for the right Support Workers and read more with their online profiles.
Tip - Write a list of your needs and preferences for your Support Workers.
When Do I Need Support Workers?
Next, plan out your schedule and yes, your schedule should be your choice!
If you find the right Support Workers, it's great to mutually agree schedules.
- How many hours per week?
- What days do you need help?
- Do you want to set up ongoing bookings?
- Are you flexible with days and times?
Think about what's right for you (and others).
Knowing this will help to tailor your Support Worker interview questions.
Naturally, some NDIS Participants need daily support, and that's critical. Other Participants might want ad-hoc help and have extra flexibility with their plans.
Tip - Give Support Workers a clear idea of your ideal schedule and flexibility.
Prepare for Meet & Greets!
You've done the planning, so now you can invite people for Meet & Greets.
Welcome to our list of Support Worker Interview Questions.
It's a guide and knowing your needs and preferences, you can create your own!
Tip - Create your Interview Questions list and keep it for the future.
Support Worker Interview Questions
Everyone is unique! See what interview questions for Support Workers suit you.
- Tell me a bit about yourself?
- Why did you become a Support Worker?
- How would your friends describe your personality?
- What do you like to do in your free time? What are your hobbies/interests?
- What made you choose to have a Meet & Greet with me?
- What's your current understanding of my support needs?
- How might you assist me with my personal NDIS goals?
- Do you have any specific experience with X-Y-Z? Or the specific skill A-B-C?
- What challenges do you anticipate (if any) in supporting me?
- What does a great Participant / Support Worker relationship mean to you?
- How do you help them maintain their dignity, respect, or independence?
- Are there any services or tasks you would feel uncomfortable doing?
- How would you approach an emergency situation?
- What days and times are you free? Do you have flexibility in your schedule?
- Would you be available for these specific days and times?
After Support Worker Interviews
Lots of people like to set up a trial booking or two… to ensure a great mutual fit.
Once you’ve both agreed you’re happy to continue, it’s best to add in repeating bookings, which helps ensure your Support Team are available when you need.
It’s a good idea to have a shortlist of 2-3 Support Workers.
With a team, you're likely covered if one of your support workers is away.
Finding the right support starts with open, full, and honest conversations.
And now, you've got choice and you're in the drivers seat!
We recommend taking the time to get to know people and asking questions.
Happy interviewing!