Yes! Kynd offers a great way to simplify your NDIS admin hassles.
Your Support Workers will get all normal Kynd inclusions PLUS the added bonus of keeping 93% of your agreed rates together, at Kynd's reduced BYO 7% platform fee.
To get started, create an account . Follow the steps to invite your Support Workers.
As soon as we’ve verified both your profiles, you can set up your bookings together.
For urgent needs, please call our team on 1300 695 963 or get in touch.
Joining Kynd and adding a 'BYO Worker' option is 100% risk-free.
If you decide that BYO is not working for you, you can cancel anytime.
Signing up is free, easy and only takes minutes.
To get started, create an account and follow the prompts to invite your NDIS Workers to join you on Kynd.
As soon as we’ve verified both your profiles, you can set up bookings together, and your Workers will get the reduced BYO 7% platform fee.
Have more questions? Visit our Help Centre.